My Scrolls

The Attacks Upon The heart of Man (27.7.09)

“Beware of the attacks upon the heart of man.

The attacks upon the heart emanate from unexpected sources,

                                           can be manipulated for disastrous effects,

                                           can build upon each other until the objective is achieved.

The heart attacks of man play out on a thoroughfare   

                                         are not a sideshow in an alley.

The heart attacks of man are minimized where the light is bright,

                                         are threatening in alleys where the light is dim.

The heart attacks of man are bred from diets administered under the instructions of the foe.

              Beware the foe of man.

              Beware the foe of Heaven.

              Beware the foe of God.

       He who has dominion in defiance of a King is not,

                                                                              was not,

                                                                              will never be,

                                                                                  the friend of man.

              For the foe is determined to bring about the downfall of man –

                                                                               the downfall of his soul,

                                                                               the destruction of his spirit,

                                                                               the prior decay of his body –

                                                                               the downfall of man’s surroundings –

                                                                                               the social orders,

                                                                                               the societies established in the nations of the earth.

              All will fall in chaos when the battle is not joined,

                                                when the battle is attended by the ill-equipped,

                                                when the remnant of a battle has no-one in reserve,

                                                when the general is ignored with the battle lines in tatters,

                                                when the battle is one-sided and no-one believes it’s theirs to fight.

              Then watch the families fall,

                       watch the cities turn to obscenities that pander to the lusts,

                       watch the nations turn to the slaying of the innocent.

  Watch the iniquities of man spread to the boldness of the day and no longer shelter in the company of the terrors of the night.

              Then approaches at a gallop the quartering of the earth.

The heart attacks of man can be traced to his environment,

                                         can be traced to abuse not alleviated,

                                         can be traced to ignorance sustained,

                                         can be traced to invasions that remain uncurbed,

                                         can be traced to warnings not heeded,

                                         can be traced to emotions running high,

                                         can be traced to pressure not relieved,

                                         can be traced to a diet without an antidote,

                                         can be traced to a shock without resuscitation,

                                         can be traced to exertion without a pause,

                                         can be traced to a heart always in pain –

                                                                               that is fractured without repair,

                                         can be traced to a heart that suffers a stranglehold that chokes.

Attacks upon the heart of man strike at the very mortal centre of man’s eternal life,

                                                 can bring a termination while a decision is still pending,

                                                                                       while a promise awaits further consideration,

                                                                                       while a call is still outstanding.

Attacks upon the heart of man come in many different guises:

                                                 leave open or slowly shut the door of life.

       The door of life is not easily re-opened once it shuts,

                                 is never re-opened once the key is turned.

       The door of life closes out an offer of co-existence when allowed to fall from the table of acceptance –

                                            whereon it was laid before the mortality of a soul.

       The door of life is fragile when it opens,

                                 is buttressed when it closes.

       The door of life introduces each new spirit,

                                 farewells departing souls.

       The door of life,

                         as it locks,

             opens the gateway of the grave.

Attacks upon the heart of man threaten future existence,

                                                 bring time frames to the fore,

                                                 reminds man of his proximity to the grave.

Attacks upon the heart of man should warn of breath foreshortened,

                                                 should warn of the need to listen –

                                                                      of the need to accept –

                                                                      of the need to act –

                                                                      of the need to reach out,

                                                                                         to grasp,

                                                            the saving hands that brought a message:

                                                                                                            a message of uniqueness,

                                                                                                            a message rendered at great cost,

                                                                                                            a message that rings with truth,

                                                                                                            a message with an eternal consequence –

                                                                                                                                      for acceptance or rejection –

                                                                                                                                before the heart of each is stopped.

Attacks upon the heart of man can come without a warning.

Attacks upon the heart of man can be spoken as a curse by man.

Attacks upon the heart of man can invoke the presence of Death.

Attacks upon the heart of man can cause the spirit to succumb,

                                                                  the rebellious soul to rejoice,

                                                                  the healthy body to decline.

Attacks upon the heart of man may come through the wielding of a weapon.

Attacks upon the heart of man may be countered by the wise,

                                                 may be overcome by the valiant,

                                                 may be non-threatening to the prepared.

Attacks upon the heart of man may culminate in a broken heart.

Attacks upon the heart of man may culminate in death.

The heart attacks of man may release the body,

                                         may bring a change of life-style,

                                         may cause alterations in a diet.

The heart attacks of man may culminate in the stopping of the heart.”


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