My Scrolls

The Birthday of A Saint (13.2.09)

“The birthday of a saint is to be remembered.

The birthday of a saint was not achieved without an effort.

The birthday of a saint exists because of time.

The birthday of a saint is a milestone in a career.

The birthday of a saint signifies a commitment to the future.

The birthday of a saint spreads relationships within a family.

The birthday of a saint focuses the eyes of the parents.

The birthday of a saint is marked with presents from afar.

The birthday of a saint is a life event of man.

The birthday of a saint is shouted far and wide.

The birthday of a saint should never be a secret.

The birthday of a saint is a time of learning.

The birthday of a saint is a time of salutation.

The birthday of a saint bestows pleasure on the gathered.

The birthday of a saint is cause for celebration.

The birthday of a saint brings smiles to many faces.

The birthday of a saint initiates events that are eagerly awaited.

The birthday of a saint is echoed in the heavens.

The birthday of a saint commences a battle royal.

The birthday of a saint commences the quest for a settled destiny.

The birthday of a saint commences the journey home.

The birthday of a saint leads to the teaching of the signposts.

The birthday of a saint marks the abilities of man.

The birthday of a saint brings memories to the present.

The birthday of a saint brings honour to the parents.

The birthday of a saint is a blessing of grey hair.

The birthday of a saint is a blessing at a wedding.

The birthday of a saint speaks of the birthday of a saint.”


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