My Scrolls

The Death of Man (4.12.08)

“The death of man is but a stepping-stone for man.

The death of man need not be a cause of anguish.

The death of man need not commence a mourning.

The death of man need not bring tears to the eye.

The death of man should not be planned by man.

The death of man should not be caused by man.

The death of man should not be hurried by man.

The death of man terminates the time of choice.

The death of man is the crossing point of man.

The death of man is welcomed by those ready to receive.

The death of man is feared by those not willing to receive.

The death of man brings tenure to the unrepentant soul.

The death of man brings release to the mortal suffering of man.

The death of man changes the status of the spouse,

                                           the status of the children,

                                           the status of the family.

The death of man speaks of memorials and inscriptions.

The death of man causes man to question the prospect of eternity.

The death of man seals with a finality the opportunities,

                                                                                    as offered,

                                                                                    that are withdrawn without acceptance.

The death of man causes the appraisal of a life.

The appraisal of a life is the judgement of man.

The appraisal of a life is made in ignorance of the facts.

The appraisal of a life is very rarely truthful.

The appraisal of a life is not easily assessed by man.

The death of man initiates the examination of a life.

The examination of a life is the judgement of God.

The examination of a life is made in full knowledge of the facts.

The examination of a life always reveals the truth.

The examination of a life is easily determined by God.

The death of man is the rendezvous of man.

The death of man may be the exhilaration of man.

The death of man may be the despair of man.

The death of man seals man as he is,

                             seals his record –

                                                              the record of his soul,

                                                              the record of his spirit,

                                                              the record of his mind,

                                                              the record of his body –

                                                              the record of his mouth –

                                                              the record of his tongue –

                                                              the record of his tongues –

                                                              the record of his eyes –

                                                              the record of his ears –

                                                              the record of his recreation –

                                                              the record of his procreation –

                                                              the record of his desecration –

                                                              the record of his character –

                                                              the record of his actions –

                                                              the record of his travels –

                                                              the record of his hands –

                                                              the record of his fingers –

                                                              the record of his feet –

                                                              the record of his toes –

                                                              the record of his word,

                                                              the record of his utterances,

                                                              the record of his wealth,

                                                              the record of his possessions,

                                                              the record of his relatives,

                                                              the record of his friends,

                                                              the record of his encounters,

                                                              the record of his assemblies,

                                                              the record of his fruits,

                                                              the record of his service,

                                                              the record of his gifts,

                                                              the record of his visits,

                                                              the record of his labours,

                                                              the record of his dealings,

                                                              the record of his generosity,

                                                              the record of his humanity,

                                                              the record of his deeds,

                                                              the record of his heart –

                                                              the record of his life.

The records are cross-referenced.

The records may be accessed by The Lamb’s Book of Life.

The death of man causes prayers to be referred.

The death of man calls to account debts incurred in his mortality.

The death of man brings division within the family.

The death of man brings the inspection of estates,

                                        the gathering of inheritances,

                                        the devolution of the effort.

The death of man brings promotion to generations.

The death of man brings transfer of responsibility.

The death of man calls for care and attention of and to a spouse –

                                                                                        a family when in need.

The death of man is measured within the dimensions of time.

The death of man is measured by the teaching of a child.

The death of man is measured by the honour rendered due.

The death of man is measured by the mantle that was carried,

                                                      the mantle that was worn,

                                                      the mantle that tipped the scales.”


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