My Scrolls

The Footprints of The Youth of Man (10.8.10)

“The youth of man occurs twice in the existence of man.

Once in his mortality.

Once in his eternity:

               is man acquainted with what it means to be youthful in his outlook,

                                                                         youthful in his nature,

                                                                         youthful in his abilities:

                         which compare with little resemblance to what he will aspire -

                                    when experiencing the maturity of his years,

                                    when immersed in the lessons from the teachers of his resonance -

                                                           with freedom beyond the realm of time.

The mortal youth of man is a time of investigation, 

                                     a time of learning, 

                            a time of building the framework of completeness which contains his character, 

                 a time of determination of the purpose and the destiny which will result from the governance of his own freewill.

The footprints of the youth of man are not burdened,

                                                        are not blighted,

                                                        are not yet confused by choice which may beat a drum which keeps the footprints out of step.

The footprints of the youth of man sometimes go in circles, 

                                                        sometimes walk in a straight line without divergence to the side.

The footprints of the youth of man sometimes do not stop for rest, 

                                                                       are active through the night, 

                                                                       reflect a lack of wisdom in the guidance of his soul.

The footprints of the youth of man sometimes stagger in collapse, 

                                                                       show the imprint of a body that did not make it home to rest, 

                                                                           show no trace at all when the morning sun is still low within the sky. 

The footprints of the youth of man serve no-one but himself, 

                                                        are not caused by another, 

                                                        reflect no common cause but the way he chose to go.

The footprints of the youth of man can often relate to the prime of man, 

                                                               oft have commonality of purpose, 

                                                               oft have commonality of destinations, 

                                                               oft have commonality of early interests later to become the habits in control - 

                                                                                             the urges which drive the body when the spirit has no say.

The footprints of the youth of man are worth his rearward glance, 

                                                        are worth a rigid evaluation, 

                                                        are worth retracing from the darkness into light.

The footprints of the youth of man should be checked for any to the side, 

                                                                       for followers, 

                                                                       for those who go before.

The footprints of the youth of man should be the deepest set, 

                                                        should show the footprint of determination, 

                                                        should not be difficult to trace - 

                                              as if others have erased, 

                                              as if others have walked rough-shod over, 

                                              as if others have dragged him tied with a rope so his footprints are but stumbles on a pathway - 

                                                                                 which leads he knows not where.

The footprints of the youth of man should indicate his source of inspiration, 

                                                                      his source of emulation, 

                                                                                  his source of consultation. 

The footprints of the youth of man should show access to the presence of his loving God.

The footprints of the youth of man should record his beaten path into where his spirit has been fed, 

                                                                                                                          his soul has acquired the sheen of polishing, 

                                                                                                                          his body has become a temple of the most high God, 

                                                                                                                          his dexterity, 

                                                                                                                          his familiarity: 

                                                                                                                            with the Kingdom’s keys, 

                                                                                                                                  will testify of his love for God.”


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