My Scrolls

The Goliaths of Man (23.9.09)

“The goliaths of man stop man in his journey.

The goliaths of man stop man for a second look.

The goliaths of man stop man through malfeasance,

                                                 through the lack of honour,

                                                 through the fear of loss.

The goliaths of man are constructed for man by the enemy of man.

The goliaths of man are encountered on a billboard,

                                 are encountered unexpectedly,

                                 are encountered as much smaller when first introduced.

The goliaths of man are encountered as the monoliths of man,

                                 are encountered in the confirming of the imagination,

                                 are encountered in the oaths of man.

The goliaths of man are encountered as perspectives of the mind.

The goliaths of man are encountered as obstacles to forward motion,

                                                            as obstacles to conduct that is orderly,

                                                            as obstacles to the achievement of objectives.

The goliaths of man are encountered to bring man to an impasse,

                                                           to bring man to buckle at the knees,

                                                           to bring man to the limit of endurance.

The goliaths of man are encountered to bring man to a destiny where there is no joy.

The goliaths of man are encountered when superimposed on the soul,

                                 are encountered as imaginings without solutions,

                                 are encountered as sheer walls without a portal.

The goliaths of man are encountered when silence is all invasive.

The goliaths of man are encountered when found in the solitudes of desertion;

                                                                                    the solitudes of selection;

                                                                                    the solitudes of play.

The goliaths of man are encountered when dwelling in the drugdom of addiction.

The goliaths of man are encountered when within a palace built for pleasure.

The goliaths of man are encountered when images of private preference fall upon the eye.

The goliaths of man are encountered when in the midst of depravity.

The goliaths of man are encountered when surrounded by minds that will not stand together in the light of day.

The goliaths of man appear impossible to overcome,

                                 appear impossible to circumvent,

                                 appear impossible to conquer.

The goliaths of man appear before all the senses of man.

The goliaths of man are laid upon a platter ready for consumption.

The goliaths of man are prepared for the consumption of the heart,

                                                            the consumption of the mind,

                                                            the consumption of the lungs.

The goliaths of man are ready to consume all that is on offer,

                                                                    all that is without protection,

                                                                    all that lies open with an invitation.

The goliaths of man relish an attack,

                                 are well prepared to fight,

                                 will not easily relinquish what they regard as theirs.

The goliaths of man stand firm behind their blockades,

                                 can withstand volleys of arrows that are blunt,

                                 will not retreat before a brand new sword with a feeble thrust.

The goliaths of man are difficult to fracture,

                                                     to tear down,

                                                     to sack,

         when they have their foundations well established with a construction of completion that holds presented keys.

The goliaths of man are willing to destroy all areas controlled in the progress of a battle.

The goliaths of man are susceptible to,

                                                     must obey,

                                                     will fall to,

                                          the concerted forces of the counselled spirit.

The goliaths of man are susceptible to a short battle of command.

The goliaths of man are susceptible to a hunger march on an appointed day.

The goliaths of man are susceptible to the word from a named commander.

The goliaths of man are susceptible to demolishment by the unfolded wings of heaven.”


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