My Scrolls

The Hurdles of Man (26.10.08)

"The fear of man precedes the fear of God.

The fear of man stultifies the fear of God.

The fear of man proscribes the fear of God.

The fear of man lies within the soul.

The fear of man commands inertia towards God.

The fear of man is driven by the obsequiousness of man.

The fear of man is relegated to from whence it came.

The fear of man is vanquished from each soul by the boldness so attained as My Spirit speaks it in to each spirit that requests.

Each emboldened spirit can acquire the fear of God.

Each emboldened spirit can learn the fear of God.

Each emboldened spirit,

                                   walking in the fear of God,

                                         can then acquire,

                                             if sought,

                                                  the wisdom of God.

The wisdom of God does not countenance the wisdom of man.

The wisdom of God leads to greater vision.

The wisdom of God supplants the acquisitiveness of the soul.

The wisdom of God is displayed throughout the heavens.

The wisdom of God interacts with the tongue of man.

The wisdom of God sets man on his course free of encumbrance.

Man is encumbered by his acts of will not in alignment with his spirit.

Man is encumbered by lifestyles he embraces.

Man is encumbered by the baggage that he carries.

Man is encumbered by the records that he keeps.

Man is encumbered by counsel that should be discarded.

Man is encumbered by lack of vision for his future.

Man is encumbered by the idols that he follows.

Man is encumbered by the debt he has assumed.

The encumbrances of man blind the eyes of man to God.

The encumbrances of man are gathered on broad paths easily traversed.

The encumbrances of man are not to be admired,

                                            are not worthy of emulation,

                                            are not the things of God.

The cost of encumbrances in the freight yard of the soul are rendered due for payment after the filling of the grave.

The debts of the soul may quench the flickering of the spirit.

The debts of the soul are tear drops on the heart.

The debts of the soul have been already paid.

The debts of the soul may surely be erased.

The debts of the soul of man need not be judged,

                                               need not be retold,

                                               need not be regurgitated: 

                    for the debts of the soul have been paid,

                                                                cancelled and erased –

                           for all who have an entry in The Lamb’s Book of Life.”



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