My Scrolls

The Incubation of Man (22.7.10)

“The incubation of man is about to end.

The incubation of man is about to climb out of his cot,  

                                     is about to reach out to the hands which nursed him, 

                                     is about to find that he can walk, 

                                                               that he can run, 

                                                               that he knows more than he thinks.

The incubation of man has prepared him for his growth in exploration, 

                                                                    his growth in comprehension, 

                                                                    his growth unfettered by the shawls used in his nursing.

The incubation of man has prepared him for a journey of maturity, 

                                                                    a journey of his choice, 

                                                                    a journey without an end.

The incubation of man approaches the time for the shedding of his skin, 

                                                                    the shedding of his surroundings which kept him bound to earth, 

                                                                    the shedding of the coils of his mortality which prevented an upward leap.

The incubation of man approaches his metamorphosis into a being who can fly, 

                                                                       into a being not subject to the scans of time, 

                                                                       into a being freed from the gravity of earth.

The incubation of man prepares the information gathered, 

                                                    the status of his soul, 

                                                    the posture of his spirit, 

                                                    the resultant character birthed from his freewill.

The incubation of man is the scheduled time of acquisition,

                                                                    of selection,

                                                                    of derivation,

                                                                        of the benefits of his agency with all which that implies.

The incubation of man frees man as an earthworm of transition into a dove of God.

The incubation of man is a set stage of encouragement, 

                                                           through the intent of God, 

                                                                   for man’s new beginning in the company of his God. 

As man’s freewill is actioned, 

                                        so will his destiny be attributed, 

                                        so will his home be made, 

                                        so will he dwell in darkness or be uplifted to the light.”


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