My Scrolls

The Lioness and The Lion (10.10.08)

“The will of the lioness is to protect her cubs, 

                                          to nurture her cubs, 

                                          to prepare them for an enduring life as they mature.

The lioness is at the centre of the pride of the lion; 

 the lioness is the mantle of the lion; 

 the lioness declares, 

                            by her presence, 

                         the majesty of the lion.

The lioness receives protection, 

                   receives comfort, 

                   receives counsel from the scent of the lion.

The lioness recognizes the roar of the lion. 

The lioness recognizes the Scent of the Lion.

The scent of the lion is to be followed.

The scent of the lion brings wisdom, 

                                  brings understanding, 

                                  brings unity of intent to both the lioness and the lion.

When the needs of the lioness are made known to the lion they will all be fully met.

Then she will know the scent of the lion signifies the presence of the lion, 

                                                                                the caring of the lion, 

                                                                                the protection of the lion.

The lioness will expand the pride with confidence supported by the lion,   

                                                                                 approved by the lion, 

                                                                                 encouraged by the lion. 

At the calling of the lioness the lion roars, 

                                                              as needed, 

                                                              to dispel the darkness. 

The lion roars, 

      counting with authority, 

           to the approaching dawn.

The lioness without the roar of the lion is fearful of all that she encounters, 

                                                                   cautious in the raising of her cubs, 

                                                                        with trepidation moves across the territory she surveys.

The lioness without the roar of the lion is defensive of her lair, 

                                                                       remains within her lair, 

                    is moved by force of circumstance to protect its full extent.

The lioness that attempts to roar, 


                               decries the mantle of the lion; 

           the lioness that denigrates the roaring of the lion is both lonely and distraught in the wilderness of night.

The lioness will curl up in loneliness, 

                               as the pride diminishes, 

                               as the scent of the lion no longer pervades the lair.

The lion roars establishing His Kingdom, 

                                            His territory, 

                                            with The Standard where he governs.

Listen to the roar of the lion that calls the pride to order, 

                                              that declares His authority, 

                                              that brings all things within His lair under His control.

The Scent of the Lion calls the pride that seeks.

The scent of the lion leads the way to safety, 

                                        protects from perils that would beset and from effort that is both wasteful and unnecessary. 

The scent of the lion honours the lineage of the lion, 

                                                the record of the lion, 

                                                the journey of the lion.

The presence of the pride will accompany the lion to the new location of the lair.

Do not frustrate the roar of the lion.

The roar of the lion is for the benefit of the pride, 

                                          the benefit of the lioness, 

                                          the benefit of the cubs.

When the lion roars there is peace in the lair, 

                                             contentment in the lair, 

                                             security in the lair.

When the lion roars into the silence His roar is heard throughout the pride. 

When the lion roars His will is actioned by the pride. 

The roar of the lion beseeches attentiveness from all the pride.

As the scent of the lion conveys the will of the lion so the scent of the lioness brings comfort to the lion.

The scent of the lioness speaks of acceptance, 

 the scent of the lioness speaks of trust, 

 the scent of the lioness speaks in truth, 

                                                  in love, 

                                                  with paws that are not crossed.

For the scent, 

      both of the lion and of the lioness, 

           speaks in one accord the language of each spirit: 

                 that each soul may be protected and harmony prevail within the pride.”


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