My Scrolls

The Morality of God (14.7.09)

“‘Doing good’ is an aspiration of man.

‘Doing good’ is relative without the morality of God.

‘Doing good’ requires a judgement without the awareness of the truth.

‘Doing good’ appeals to the emotions,

                       cannot confirm the absence of harm,

                       can be a self-deception that has no long term benefit.

‘Doing good’ is not a cry heard in the market place,

                       is not a cry heard by those without resources,

                       is not a cry that brings contentment either to the spirit or the soul.

‘Doing good’ is analgesia to the burdened conscience –

                               freeing idle hands in motions of recompense for responsibilities avoided at a prior encounter. 

‘Doing good’ is as the idle chattering of a stream –

                           as brief in its encounter as in the winter when ice encroaches on the stream –

                                     silencing all as the living water is entombed –

                               waiting yet in hopefulness for a new day when the living water will gush forth from its

                                                                                            imprisonment within the body that held it bound.

         The living water waits for the dam-burst that will inundate the country.

‘Doing good’ rarely achieves its initial aims,

                       rarely is appreciated,

                       often is a sop to the muddled thinking of the mind.

‘Doing good’ is dependent on the culture in which it is given birth.

‘Doing good’ may not be understood,

                               not have the desired results,

                               not procure the end result of calculation when transported across boundaries of nations and applied

                                                                                                                            with knowledge but with little wisdom.

The benefits of ‘Doing good’ rarely offset years of neglect of those in need,

                                                rarely change a destiny,

                                                rarely enhance the lives of the recipients after the doer has departed.

‘Doing good’ is an exercise in frustration,

                             an exercise in semantics that changes from ear to ear,

                             an exercise without completion that heaps disappointment on the backs of the expectant.

‘Doing good’ is unrealistic as an objective when none are good but God.

         For who will judge,






               the goodness to be done and when completion is attained?

‘Doing good’ is not necessarily the adjunct nor the antithesis of ‘Do no evil’ without the morality of God.

         The ethics of man do not stand unmodified,

                                      are not universal,

             squander early ideals to the unfulfilled mind of man in his quest for a reason for existence in the timeframe
                                                                                                                                                                             of a life.

         The ethics of man lead only to despair when reality of his logic ultimately declares they were formulated by the

                                                                                inhabitants from a pond of soup which defy the truth of replication.

The morality of God stands as a testimony to man of man’s own immorality.

The morality of God has stood for millennia for the benefit of man.

The morality of God supervises and instructs,

                                  judges and rewards,

                                  punishes and destroys.

The morality of God is just in altercation,

                                  is true in application,

                                  is fearful in supplication.

The morality of God is administered with authority,

                                  is circumscribed by mercy,

                                  knows the gift of grace.

The morality of God is not swayed by man,

                                  is not swayed by angels,

                                  is not swayed by demons.

The morality of God has the highest of ideals,

                                  has the backing of great wisdom,

                                  has the foundation of the greatest love.

The morality of God separates the obedient and the disobedient,

                                                  the righteous and the unrighteous,

                                                  the walkers of the narrow and wide ways.

The morality of God declares the purpose of life,

                                  carries the seal of truth,

                                  announces –

                                  warns of –

                                           destinies that lie within the scope of man’s freewill.

The morality of God is a work of grand design that will not terminate.

The morality of God covers,

                                  shelters and protects all those who accept with understanding the mercy and the grace –

                                                                                              established to reconcile the lost through a sacrificial son.”


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