My Scrolls

The Preparedness of Man (1.6.09)

“Great is the fellowship of the saints.

Great is the power of the saints.

Great is the authority of the saints.

Great are the works of the saints in My name.

          For in My name they will call,

                 in My name they will visit,

                 in My name they will summon,

                 in My name they will heal,

                 in My name they will rebuke,

                 in My name they will feed,

                 in My name they will witness.

          For in My name will the message be proclaimed to the ends of the earth –


                                                                                                                for The Kingdom of God is at hand.’

The Kingdom of God awaits the lifting of the veil.

The Kingdom of God asserts its right to be:

          for The Banner of the Kingdom of God is about to be raised over all the earth as The Son comes to take His Kingdom.

          For in My name will The Word be upheld by The Father,

                 in My name will the word be upheld by The Son,

                 in My name will My Spirit manifest The Will made known to Me.

                 In My name will the edifice of God be established on the earth,

                 in My name will Satan be made subservient,

                 in My name will the covenants be upheld,

                 in My name will the graves be opened,

                 in My name will Earth be linked to Heaven.

The Hosts of Heaven are prepared for events of cataclysm to be unfolded in these days.

The end of age is signed;

      an epoch dawns with a new day:

           that welcomes the awaited.

The fear of death;

      the joy of life:

           will overtake the earth.

A sense of dread;

      a Banner of hope:

           approaches one and all.

The age of Grace forsakes the unrepentant;

      the epoch of The Son opens with a flourish:

           at the trumpet call.

The heart of man drafts each according to his will.

The heart of man determines his record in a book.

The heart of man is stated in the utterings of his tongue.

The heart of man cannot distort a life before the great White Throne.”


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