My Scrolls

The Storm of Man (27.1.12)

“The storm of man is one of plunder,

                                   one of avarice,

                                   one of violence to his fellow man.

The storm of man is one of satanic impulses,

                                  one of demonic actions,

                                  one of evil personified on the face of man.

The storm of man sees the butchering of man by the butchery of man,

                              sees the blood upon the earth,

                              sees the dismembering of limbs,

                              sees the blood-stained shells of man.

The storm of man hears the nights of mourning,

                              hears the wailing of the innocent,

                              hears the crying of the motherless,

                              hears the laughter of the merciless.

The storm of man shouts in victory,

                              moans in defeat;

                              surges in the onslaught,

                              limps in the retreat;

                              pockets the gains of looting,

                              discards the failed weapons as burdens to the body.

The storm of man signals as it rushes forward,

                              signals as it runs away.

The storm of man behaves as if a wave which flows and ebbs.

The storm of man is aware of the thrust and parry at the centre of the conflict –

                                                                                                   the battle for the prize of man.

       The prize of man is claimed by the blood oaths of the devil,

                                        by the blood oaths of man,

                             by a willing partnership which condemns the participants to the flames of destiny,

                by the perjured partnership where each will blame the other for the ignominy of their defeat;

                                                                                            for the ignominy of their imprisonment;

                                                                                            for the ignominy of their being.

Beware the storm of man bereft of love,

                                                    of grace,

                                                    of honour,

                                                    of mercy,

                                                    of respect:

             towards those who find themselves unwittingly enmeshed within its maul;

                                                                      as beggars for lives of little worth.

Beware the storm of man as it engulfs a landscape,

                                         as it lays waste a landscape,

                                         as it overruns the defences of inhabitants,

                                         as it generates the piles of charcoal under a blackened sky.

Beware the storm of man which has no quarter,

                                         which has no fear of God,

                                         which has no respite in which to flee,

                                         which has no recompense for bravery,

                                         which has no safe passage for a bribe.

The storm of man is a storm of death built upon destruction.

The storm of man is a storm of evil built upon encouragement.

The storm of man is a storm of greed built upon the plunder.

The storm of man is a storm of self-enrichment built upon the loot.

The storm of man spreads as if catching a fever which rages in the brain,

                                           as if bringing the loss of reason to the senses,

                                           as if caring not for abandoned loved ones,

                                           as if deserted by a memory of values –

                                                                              no longer deemed as valid.

The storm of man is intensified by the storm of Satan,

                              is an admixture of the two,

                              is dependent for its ferocity on agreement –

                                                                              as the physical blends with the spiritual.

The storm of man is a maelstrom of confusion,

                                  a maelstrom of blood lust,

                                  a maelstrom of discontent,

                                  a maelstrom of anger in release,

                                  a maelstrom of vengeance running wild,

                                  a maelstrom of identity discarded.

The storm of man is the killing spree of the century where evil reigns at the will of man.

The storm of man grieves The Holy Spirit of God.”


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