My Scrolls

The Winds of Change (18.4.11)

“The winds of change blow from a variety of directions,

                                    are ordered by God,

                                    are ordered by man.

The winds of change of God bring benefits to man,

                                               are not selective,

                                               are available to all,

                                               are within the freewill choice of man,

                                               are not imposed on the soul of man.

The winds of change of God enhance the capabilities of the spirit of man,

                                                             the capabilities to interact with God,

                                                             the capabilities for furtherance of understanding of the ways of heaven.

The winds of change of God bring multiple tongues to the spirit of man,

                                               bring multiplicity in the giftings of My Holy Spirit,

                                               bring extensions to the experience of man,

                                               bring such before those who dwell within My covenant issued at the cross.

The winds of change of God bring vivid visions to the lost,

                                               bring a dramatic dream to a head upon a bed,

                                               bring before the mind of man the reality of God within the field of faith.

The winds of change of God vary in effect depending on direction,

                                                                     depending on the message,

                                                                     depending on the backing of the prayers.

The winds of change of God emanate from the heavens,

                                               are carried by the angels,

                                               are delivered with a kiss.

                 The kiss of God is a measure of His affection for man,

                                                                 of His attention to man,

                                                                 of the intensity of His agapé emotions for man.

The winds of change of God can bring change to the life of man.

The winds of change of man will blow him where they will,

                                               will blow him to run before,

                                               will pass him by when he has no call.

The winds of change of man often follow in his footsteps,

                                               often are dependant on his pursestrings,

                                               often are driven by the prospect of reward.

The winds of change of man often select enclaves,

                                               often select a nation,

                                               often select the trade links of the earth.

The winds of change of man will batter into submission,

                                               will repeat a message until it shows the signs of wear,

                                               will give no thought to the welfare of man unless there is a goldmine waiting to be plundered.

The winds of change of man seek the patenting of man,

                                               seek cheap labour from a nation,

                                               seek newness with appeal for but a season of man.

The winds of change of man show very little wisdom,

                                               treat resources with frivolity,

                                               throw-up promises with shadows which are not meant to be upheld.

The winds of change of man are not directed by sincerity,

                                               are governed by the self-interests of the pirates of the earth,

                                               are brushed aside by the immoral leaders of the nations –

                                                                                                               those who act as kings,

                                                                                              yet have no kingdom recognized by God.

The winds of change of man are driven by the squabble for resources:

                 which are exhausted unto death while there is control,

                            are devoured by the strong as quickly as they can gobble,

                            are sequestered by the strong for a later meal,

                            are stored by the strong as they leave a legacy of emptiness upon the earth.

The winds of change of man would see the strong turn the weak into a rubbish dump,

                                               would see the strong impel the weak to share,

                                               would see the strong breed discontent across the earth:

                                                                                             as their tables groan;

                                                                                             as the tables of the weak are taken,

                                                                                                          even for the little which they bear.

So are the strong despised for their utter greed,

                                           for their lack of compassion,

                                           for their ring-fencing of their territory –

                     which brings forth the hatred for the strong:

                                                                     from all those they have impoverished,

                                                                     from all those at whom they have thrown their scraps.”


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