My Scrolls

The Message of Healing (7.12.08)

“The pinpricks of man are of little consequence.

            The pinpricks of man are a nuisance in themselves.

            The pinpricks of man niggle at the surface.

            The pinpricks of man do not compare with the pinpricks of heaven.

The pinpricks of heaven have a message to make known.

The pinpricks of heaven carefully select a site.

The pinpricks of heaven are accurate and precise.

The pinpricks of heaven study well the consequences of their strike.

The pinpricks of heaven mark the strike-place of their pin.

The pinpricks of heaven deliver their message to the depths of the mark.

The pinpricks of heaven declare a message of healing to the surroundings at the mark.

The message of healing has an immediate effect.

The message of healing sets to work with a will.

The message of healing overcomes the venom of the foe.

The message of healing repairs the damage of the foe.

The message of healing stays around as needed,

                                       calls for reinforcements,

                                       rejoices at success.

The message of healing is vital to the longevity of the body,

                                                       the health of the blood,

                                                       the strength of the muscles.

The message of healing dresses the surface of the bones.

The message of healing heals the heart of man of the pinpricks of man –

                                                                               injustices of imagination –

                                                                               offences stored within the soul –

                                                                               denigrations that retract the spirit.

The message of healing cares for the emotions of man,

                                                      the feelings of man,

                                                      the depressions of man,

                                                      the elixirs of man.

The message of healing attends the stability of man –

                                                   the predictability of response –

                                                   the socialising of behaviour.

The message of healing reaches out to comfort,

                                       stretches out to soothe;

                                       pacifies the restless spirit,

                                       calms the troubled soul.

The message of healing is a blessing in disguise.

The message of healing is easily conveyed.

The message of healing is not always understood.

The message of healing can lack appreciation.

The message of healing may not be well received.

The message of healing always achieves its purpose.

The message of healing has certainty of access.

The message of healing brings realization to the mind.

The message of healing originates from God.”


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