My Scrolls

The Stepping Stones of The Lord (5.3.09)

“The coming of The Son is a stepping-stone of The Lord.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are marked as milestones along the way.

The stepping-stones of The Lord do not wet the feet.

The stepping-stones of The Lord mark a pathway among the debris of distractions.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are not resting places.

The stepping-stones of The Lord mark progress to a goal.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are there when sought,

                                                     are there when needed,

                                                     are there to light the path that all must follow.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are not slippery to shod feet,

                                                     are not slimy to unshod feet.

The stepping-stones of The Lord can be trusted to carry weight.

The stepping-stones of The Lord carry the sole of the foot,

                                                     carry the soul and the spirit,

                                                     carry the hope and the faith of each journeyman.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are discernible by man.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are made known to man.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are encountered on the way to salvation,

                                                                                on the way to redemption,

                                                                                on the way to the presence of The King.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are there for all to use.

The stepping-stones of The Lord were placed by a toll that has been already paid.

The stepping-stones of The Lord exact no further fee.

The stepping-stones of The Lord exist in the time of grace.

The stepping-stones of The Lord do not require a jump.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are placed with great precision.

The stepping-stones of The Lord will never cause a stumble.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are each inscribed with their function.

The stepping-stones of The Lord are numbered seven.

The stepping-stones of The Lord,

                                        as laid for man,

                                                              are the birth of the womb,

                                                                    the confession of faith,

                                                                    the re-birth of the water,

                                                                    the tongue of fire,

                                                                    the sacraments of the supper,

                                                                    the walk of the disciple,

                                                                    the new-birth from the grave.

The stepping-stones of The Lord record each footprint on each note.

The stepping-stones of The Lord can cope with many feet at once.

The stepping-stones of The Lord have angels on assignment.

The stepping-stones of The Lord require commitment to traverse to the end,

                                                      can be run across with safety,

                                                      have the angels cheering as each step is taken.

The stepping-stones of The Lord can be navigated with the aid of a stick,

                                                                                 with the aid of a chair,

                                                                                 with the aid of a bed.

The stepping-stones of The Lord have notes of distinction that each footstep plays.

The stepping-stones of The Lord play many merry tunes.

The stepping-stones of The Lord accompany the songs the angels sing.

The stepping-stones of The Lord have each merry tune created by each passage for that saint to hear when the race is won.”


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