Home > Life's Deepest Questions & Finding Answers > THE SCROLLS - For those seeking answers to specific Life issues > 8. What is God's Overall Grand Design for Man? > How Do We Meet with God - in His End-time Fullness? > 11. The Banner of The Lord > The Banner Divine Scriptural Revelations (18.9.08)
Scribal Note:
Then, The Lord requested a diligent search of the scriptures for all references to “banners”, “signs” and “standards”, both in the plural and the singular, and to preserve the reference and to type out the text.
This appeared to be a huge task and some 3 weeks passed while considering it. Then someone (RVH) mentioned, in passing, the ‘Blue Bible’ website and this simplified the task tremendously.
Results summary –
Searched for: Found: Divinely selected:
Banner 13 7
Banners 4 2
Sign 83 20
Signs 72 8
Standard 18 7
Standards 3 0
Some, surprisingly, were also later used twice and also chosen in the order of use as well.
The scripture relating to each found reference was obscured, by the scribe, from the scribe’s vision while they were being divinely selected so that human bias could not occur during the process of selecting as to inclusion and then, later, also as to order.