My Scrolls

The Banner Brings Response (13.1.09)

“The Banner of the Kingdom now becomes a witness.

The Banner of the Kingdom now invites enquiry.

The Banner of the Kingdom is positioned for acceptance.

The Banner of the Kingdom is supported by all involved.

The Banner of the Kingdom is not an orphan left alone.

The Banner of the Kingdom appeals to the inner man.

The Banner of the Kingdom arouses an excited response.

The Banner of the Kingdom arouses thoughtless disdain.

The Banner of the Kingdom polarises man for all to see.

The Banner of the Kingdom causes attitudes to be updated,

                                                          positions to be declared,

                                                          the mouth of man to show the colour of his soul.

The Banner of the Kingdom instigates the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom intensifies the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom welcomes the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom acknowledges the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom completes the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom dwells in the fear of The Lord.

The Banner of the Kingdom dwells in the presence of The Lord.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit states truth to those encountered,

                                                                                       invites discussion of a sign,

                                                                                       brings recognition to the wise.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit approaches as a laughing friend,

                                                                                       is gracious in a greeting,

                                                                                       has a testimony on lips.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit ensures a divine appointment,

                                                                                       causes listening with interest,

                                                                                       invites queries without rancour.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit always offers prayer,

                                                                                       always offers a way of progress,

                                                                                       always offers an address of meeting.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit moves and intermingles,

                                                                                       hears lips without reproof,

                                                                                       brings honour to the temple of The Spirit.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit encourages a turning point,

                                                                                       encourages the joy of life,

                                                                                       encourages the winning of lost souls.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit speaks of devotion to a King,

                                                                                       speaks of the redemption of a king,

                                                                                       speaks of the sign of the King of kings."


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