My Scrolls

The Banner as A Signpost (14.1.09)

“The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the Triumvirate of God.

  The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the Triumvirate of Spirit.

  The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the Triumvirate of Light.

The Banner of the Kingdom rolls forth upon the earth under the guidance of the Triumvirate of God.

The Banner of the Kingdom has confirmation as the Will of God.

The Banner of the Kingdom has the eye of God firmly fixed thereon.

The Banner of the Kingdom will overcome impediments.

The Banner of the Kingdom will not be trammelled,

                                              will not stumble at a roadblock.

                                              will not be slowed in an advance.

The Banner of the Kingdom will achieve the objectives of God,

                                              will achieve the designs of God.

The Banner of the Kingdom flies in the face of evil,

                                              flies in the face of hatred,

                                              flies in the face of greed,

                                              flies in the face of pride.

The Banner of the Kingdom flies in the face of envy.

The Banner of the Kingdom flies in the face of deceit.

The Banner of the Kingdom circumvents corruption,

                                              circumvents pockets of resistance,

                                              circumvents chains of command.

The Banner of the Kingdom circumvents strongholds of lies,

                                              circumvents temples of idolatry,

                                              circumvents dens of thieves.

The Banner of the Kingdom is stationed on land recaptured,

                                                                 on land reclaimed,

                                                                 on land with authority re-established.

The Banner of the Kingdom is a new signpost to man.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit is a new signpost to man.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit signposts an acclamation of Faith,

                                                                                                        a proclamation of Truth,

                                                                                                        a declamation of Redemption –

                                                                                             the application of Salvation.

The Emblem of The Spirit on the temple of The Spirit speaks of a witness bearing arms,

                                                                                       speaks of a witness with a testimony,

                                                                                       speaks of a guiding light in this time of Grace.


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