My Scrolls

The New Signs in Use (17.10.08)

"The Banner of the Kingdom is to be used by those who know My Spirit,

                                                            promoted by those who know My Spirit,

                                                            appreciated by those who know My Spirit:

                                         for then will the use of My Banner spread throughout the earth.

The Emblem of the Kingdom,

 the Emblem of the Spirit,

                    may be worn on clothing of the Saints:

                          with integrity,

                          and in honour,

                          of what is so displayed.

This Emblem,

      as acknowledged,

           may be used on stationery,

           may be used commercially,

                 so long as the objective is to bring honour and recognition to the Kingdom here established on the earth.

There is no shame in using,

                               in purity,

                                     the markets of man to build the Kingdom of God.

The marketplace of man,

           where ever it is found,

                 whether buildings built from labour or networks that criss-cross the globe of the earth:

                        all aspects of the marketplace will know the jurisdiction of The Lord.

All networks designed to hear voices or to carry letters or to portray images from afar –

              whether built from metal,

              the power of light,

              or the very ether of the earth:

                   so they shall be used to establish the visibility of the presence of My Spirit that awaits with anticipation

                                                                                                                                                        the coming of My return.

The Age of Grace draws to a close as the coming of My return approaches and impacts upon My Bride,

              and even more so on those not present at the Wedding Feast.

The Banner of the Kingdom is to stand throughout the earth.

The Standard of The Kingdom denotes dominion that has been established by those who have so marked.

The Standard of The Kingdom marks the triumph of The Lord.

The Standard of The Kingdom leads the vanguard of The Lord –

                                 all those sent forth in twos to reap as they are asked and the very Hosts of Heaven as they have been so

                                        marshalled and now await intently for their words of command that issue from the lips of the saints.

All the saints of the earth should be encouraged via the networks of the earth to seek and then display the Banner,

                                                      the Standard,

                                                      the Flag of the Kingdom of God:

      where and when and as so established across the earth and before the face of man.”


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