My Scrolls

The Website of The Lord (Content) (13.5.10)

“The website of The Lord is not for comparison with those of man,

                                           is not for comparison of display,

                                           is not for comparison of content.

The website of The Lord has content that cannot be superseded,

                                                       cannot be contested,

                                                       cannot be made obsolete.

The website of The Lord has content which can be studied,

                                                        which can be subject to further revelation,

                                                        which can be sought in prayer.

The website of The Lord has content which is ordered,

                                         has content which speaks to man,

                                         has content which is of the counsel of The Spirit.

The website of The Lord sets a scene of understanding,

                                         sets a scene of the perfection of man,

                                         sets a scene of consequences.

The scene of understanding is there to be confirmed -

                                                        the implications of the freewill of man.

The scene of the perfection of man is as a curtain rising on a stage of introduction -

                                                        to the fellowship with God.

The scene of consequences is real -

                                                        not a pipe dream in a haze.

The scene of consequences has existence -

                                                        implies the application of the defaulting of the soul of man -

                                          so man may infer his destiny imputed by the respect for his freewill.

The freewill of man is either honoured or respected in the climes of God.

The climes of God have extremes of darkness -

                                                    where freewill is respected;

                                                       of light -

                                                    where freewill is fully honoured.

God does not dwell -

        is not present -

                     in the clime of darkness,

        knows well -

        frequents -

        is resident within -

                     the clime of light.”


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