My Scrolls

The Website of The Lord (Abilities) (23.6.10)

“The website of The Lord is now before the eyes of man,

                                           is now laid out for a purpose,

                                           is now to offer a clear choice to man.

The website of The Lord does not know the grey of double-mindedness,

                                         does not accept the greyness of the peoples of the earth,

                                         does not condone the greying of morality.

The website of The Lord knows what is black,

                                                    what is white,

                                                    what is coloured on the trails of glory.

The website of The Lord knows that blackness is about to dwindle as the light comes to the fore,

                                                    that darkness will decrease with the increase in intensity of light upon the earth.

The website of The Lord knows the coming battles as kingdoms wane and wax.

The website of The Lord knows the armour of the night and the armour of the day,

                                                    the weapons of the night and the weapons of the day,

                                                    the arrays drilled for the night and the echelons placed for the day.

The website of The Lord knows the culmination of the clash of opposites,

                                         knows the victor’s stance,

                                         knows who will prevail.

The website of The Lord testifies in truth,

                                         testifies in love,

                                         testifies in the new covenant with the God of Abraham,

                                                                                        with the God of Israel,

                                                                                        with the God upon a cross.

The website of The Lord offers insight into faith,

                                         offers insight into new life,

                                         offers insight into the meaning of eternity within the life of man.

The website of The Lord dispels the misconceptions rolled-out down the centuries,

                                         dispels the haze before the eyes of man as acuity is restored,

                                         dispels the confusion of the mind as perception is interweaved with wisdom.

The website of The Lord welcomes the seeking of the truth when intellect is unclouded,

                                               when openness to thought is brought to the desk of the student,

                                               when the mind of man is not besieged by preconceptions borne in the error of surroundings,

                                               when the pressure from the peers does not prevail,

                                               when the boundary between man and God is broken down -

                                                                                               is not in need of a translation -

                                                                                               is not in need of an interpretation -

                                                                                               is not in need of an agent at an altar.

The website of The Lord welcomes the seeking of the truth when The Spirit of God speaks into each repentant soul:

                                                                                                                                       brings gifts of confirmation,

                                                                                                                                       brings light into the darkness,

                                                                                                                                       brings change into a life,

                                                                                                                                       brings the reality of The God of Love into
                                                                                                                                                a heart that doubted.”


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