The widow of the wielder of the sword saw many birthdays of her children, was present at the birthdays of her grandchildren as the sounds of laughter floated into a home of happiness on the evening summers air ...
The consecration of a child is close to The Fathers heart - together with the consecration of the spirit which waited in His presence: now before the face of man; now attesting to a future relationship with God; ...
signs of something trivial, signs of something dreadfully wrong; signs of fright, signs of fear, signs of pain endured, signs of discomfit, signs of som...
is a sacrifice of self, a sacrifice of time, a sacrifice of wealth, a sacrifice where emotions are at stake, has overtures of care, of teaching, of training, of correction, of nourishment, of shelter, of clothing, of growth...
banishes the stronghold from existence with the evaporation of the causes, is a joy to behold: removes the burdens, installs the blessings, carries the ...
is not as simple as it sounds, is not as simple as it seems, is not as simple as imagined, is complex and enduring, is satisfying and rewarding, is emoti...
invades the earth, falls from heaven, is preceded by My Spirit, catches hold of the tongues of man, catches hold of the communities of man, catches hold of the church of God, catches hold of all who love The Lord...
Wondrous are the ways of God in the eyes of man, in the life of man, with His plans for man. The ways of God are bestowed upon the faithful, are readied for each child of God, are laid before the members of His...
On this day, I, The Lord, would speak to man of the Saxon Hoard of Gold as he has already named it. On this day shall I, The Lord, declare its provenance, speak of its origin, speak of its ownership, speak of the means...
The gold found upon a hill was buried in the days of Saxon kings, was buried with great urgency in the night, was buried in a hiding place not divulged in sufficient detail to enable the recovery of the loot of man, was ...
The English gold of ages has risen into the view of man, has been uplifted by man, has been uplifted when directed, has been uplifted where detected, has been uplifted with a prayer, has been hidden from the ...
leave no imprints on the earth which are visible to man; do not step on the residues of sin; do not step at random, step carefully after much inspection, step according to the placements born of much experience; ...