My Scrolls

The Scrolls of The Lord (24.7.10)

“The scrolls of The Lord are not difficult to read, 

                                         are not difficult to receive, 

                                         are neither difficult for the spirit nor the soul.

The scrolls of The Lord contain the message for this time, 

                                                    the message for the full embodiment of man, 

                                                    the message with a tug onto the path of righteousness.

The scrolls of The Lord are varied in their content, 

                                       are varied in their length, 

                                       are varied for the timeframe of conception of a new idea.

The scrolls of The Lord serve the fare upon the table, 

                                                 the fare for the ennobling of man, 

                                                 the fare which does not leave a bitter after-taste within the mouth.

The scrolls of The Lord are of urgency to man, 

                                             for his need in preparation, 

                                             for the commitment he should make.

The scrolls of The Lord speak of man’s past, 

                                                 man’s present, 

                                                 man’s future beyond the grave.

Wise is man who knows what he can change and what he can’t; 

                     who knows when an offer lapses and when selection is still open to acceptance; 

                     who knows the signposts he should follow and those to be ignored.

Wise is man who confesses what he should,

                     who is silent in temptation.

Wise is man who seeks what is attainable,

                     who discards the second best.

Wise is man who knows the folly of procrastination - 

                                        the folly of the fool who thinks procrastination extends beyond an empty hourglass. 

         Yet when the sand has fallen through, 

                   it takes with it man’s destiny of default: 

                                         the default which causes man to dwell in all that is below.

Wise is man who knows the sand is flowing as with his life blood of his future. 

Wise is man who selects in preparation - 

                                       for his uplifting from a sandy grave.

Wise is man who knows and understands the portents of these scrolls for his eternal wellbeing: 

                                             the need to accept an offer, 

                                                     thereby to be instated by a promise. 

               A promise intended for the company of man so very long ago.”



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