My Scrolls

What are the End-time Psalms of God (27.7.16)

“The end-time psalms of God seize this moment for attention,

                                                hold the interest of these hands,

                                                welcome this presence of the intellect of My would-be bride.

The end-time psalms of God stretch both time and space,

                                               stretch the past into the present,

                                               stretch the present into the future:

                                               stretch the mind of man;

                                               stretch the extensibility of knowledge into wisdom.

The end-time psalms of God bear the reality of God,

                                               bear the reality of His return,

                                               bear the reality of  Heaven and of Hell,

                                               bear the reality of adoption into the family of God,

                                               bear the reality of the need for preparation of My bride,

                                               bear the reality of My gift of tongues wherein fluency is sought.

The eight parts of the end-time psalms of God speak of a new beginning,

                                                                           are the voice of God appearing in dictation,

                                                               are the reality of God made known within the end-time now awaiting My return.”

Scribal Note: 

The companion volumes in this, and those of the other three, series form

The Parts of The End-time Psalms of God.

1. God Speaks of His Return Introduces His Banner

2. God Speaks in His Scrolls on the Website of the Lord

3. God Speaks by His Spirit to the Coming Storm

4. God Speaks to His End-time Calls for Man

5. God Speaks on His Eternity with Letters from the Son

6. God Speaks for His Bride via the Clouds of Conquest

7. God Speaks as His Presence unto the Edifice of God

8. God Speaks ex His Heart to Life within His Garden


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