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1. Loving Jesus, Holy Father;
The Spirit calls through all The Halls.
Courts of Heaven, hear our praises;
The Lamb was slain - He now does reign!
O Lord, our God, we worship You!
The Great I Am! Our Risen Lamb!
2. We call to You - as we’re gathered;
The Loving Bride for One who died.
All is prepared - the wedding feast;
The adorned Bride now purified.
O Lord, our God, we worship You!
The Great I Am! Our Risen Lamb!
3. Love has triumphed - Your Bride’s complete,
Lion of Judah: Maranatha!
The Bride arise! Beckoned upwards.
The Lord, engowned, appears becrowned.
O Lord, our God, we worship You!
The Great I Am! Our Risen Lamb!
4. The End of Age! The new begins.
Hark! Trumpet sounds! The earth rebounds!
The Groom sets forth in majesty;
A moment’s rest, the Bride is blest.
O Lord, our God, we worship You!
The Great I Am! Our Risen Lamb!
O Lord, our God, we worship You!
The Great I Am! Our Risen Lamb!
The Website of The Lord
The Advent Charitable Trust
© 2007 Hamilton, NZ