My Scrolls

8. What is God's Overall Grand Design for Man?

The Spectacles of Heaven (28.11.08)

The veil of eternity is moved by the Spirit in the presence of the Father, is slightly withdrawn, opens vistas, is before the eyes of man. The spectacles of heaven reside behind the veil of eternity, are known to those who ...

The Guidance of God (12.12.08)

The authority of man is limited within the heavens, is limited by his position, is limited by his relationship; is limited by belief, is limited by grace, is limited by status; is limited by wealth, is limited by health, is limited by...

The Handshake of Creation (13.12.08)

The gift of God is eternal life, transforms man after his mortality, can be refused in its fullness; without its fullness, respects the freewill of man; with its fullness, honours the freewill of man, is intended as the hand...

The Gathering of The Bride (16.12.08)

The day of the kingdom is coming. The day of the kingdom approaches as an express train nearing its destination. The express train has not stopped between stations, is about to sound its whistle of impending ...

The Sequencing of Time (16.12.08)

Time can stop and start. Time can be accelerated and slowed. Time can run forwards and backwards. Time can be cut and spliced. Time can be inserted and deleted. Time can be repeated and omitted. Time can be …

The Fiefdom of The Lord (22.12.08)

The day of the Lord arises with the sun. The day of the Lord, the return of the Lord, the second coming of the Lord, has long been awaited, has long been expected, has long been a recurring disappointment – by and to ...

The Wings of Heaven (28.12.08)

float upon a breeze, very rarely sneeze, give a loving squeeze, never seem to wheeze, like the scent of cheese, are remembered in a frieze; are masters of their flight; can dive, can hover, can twirl, can twist, can soar, can ...

The Bones of The Earth (29.12.08)

The bones of the fields and the bones of the valleys, the bones of the mountain tops and the bones of the plains, the bones of the seas and the bones of the lakes, the bones of the streams and the bones of the rivers...

The Earth and Trinity of God (29.12.08)

The Trinity of God pervades the heavens, has yet to pervade the Earth of man. The Trinity of God stretches the faith of man. The Earth of man has yet to be the Earth of God. The Earth of God will not know the Earth ...

I, The Lord (9.1.09)

would speak to My people that they may know I AM; that they may sense the urgency for preparation; that they may sense the urgency for preparation; that they may realize how much I love My disciples, how ...

The Fire and The Tribulation (10.1.09)

A day of fire and tribulation encompasses the earth, sequesters the earth, overlays the earth, circumscribes the earth, purifies the earth. The fire is the Word of God aflame. The tribulation is the wrath of God in action...

The Lion of Judah (15.1.09)

The Lion of Judah prowls the night. The Lion of Judah puts to flight. The Lion of Judah is clothed in light. The Lion of Judah awaits the sounding of a horn. The Lion of Judah knows of a new dawn. The Lion of Judah has ...


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