My Scrolls

The Watchtowers of The Saints of God (10.12.11)

“The watchtowers of the saints are mobile and can pivot.

The watchtowers of the saints can inspect quite closely,

                                                 can inspect from a distance,

                                                 can inspect what is of interest.

The watchtowers of the saints are constructed for renewal,

                                                 are constructed for a battle,

                                                 are constructed with great care.

The watchtowers of the saints can turn away,

                                                 can turn towards,

                                                 can crank a siren in emergencies,

                                                 can summon assistance with their problems,

                                                 can peruse a plan approved and filed.

The watchtowers of the saints can repel invaders,

                                                 can protect the base,

                                                 can reinforce the foundations so they will stand firm.

The watchtowers of the saints are positioned to stand before the foe of man,

                                                 are positioned to locate the foes of man,

                                                 are positioned to demolish the high places of the foe.

The watchtowers of the saints have sight lines of clarity,

                                                 have loudspeakers which decry the presence of the foe,

                                                 have strength to overcome the attacks of pain.

The watchtowers of the saints are staffed and manned,

                                                 are out in all the weathers,

                                                 are active with each rising of the sun.

The watchtowers of the saints listen keenly to reports,

                                                 compose and despatch the signals of the day,

                                                 act in unison to tumble the ramparts with their keeps.

The watchtowers of the saints are awake to unauthorised intrusions,

                                                 are prepared to repel the boarders,

                                                 are capable of the clearing of the foe.

The watchtowers of the saints have the armour for defiance,

                                                 the armour of support,

                                                 the armour which deflects.

The watchtowers of the saints know the power of God,

                                                 know the support of God,

                                                 know the gifts of God.

The watchtowers of the saints know the word of God,

                                                 know the promises of God,

                                                 know the miracles of God.

The watchtowers of the saints have faith in the God of whom they serve.

The watchtowers of the saints celebrate the victories of their God,

                                                    the faithfulness of their God,

                                                    the upholding of their God.

The watchtowers of the saints have records of the testimonies of their God.

The watchtowers of the saints stand before the foe of man,

                                                 stand against the foe of man,

                                                 stand on the foe of man.

The watchtowers of the saints sift the rubble of collapse,

                                                 deal with remnants of deceit,

                                                 remove the focus from the foe.

The watchtowers of the saints deny the limelight to the enemy of man,

                                                 deny him the spotlight in the centre of the stage,

                                                 deny him the curtain call of life.

The watchtowers of the saints relegate the devil to the proximity of God,

                                                 consign the evil forces to rampage somewhere else,

                                                 scatter the presence of the demons from where they like to squat.

The watchtowers of the saints maintain a threshold for behaviour,

                                                 maintain a course without need for adjustment,

                                                 maintain a boundary of forgiveness,

                                                 maintain the simplicity of truth,

                                                 maintain the importance of faith,

                                                 maintain the target of a sacrifice,

                                                 maintain the belief in grace.

The watchtowers of the saints are engaged in prayer,

                                                 are engaged in fasts,

                                                 are engaged in the word,

                                                 are engaged within the will of God.

The watchtowers of the saints work at releasing from the prisons,

                                                 work at restoring health,

                                                 work at increasing faith,

                                                 work at creating testimonies,

                                                 work at the establishment of outposts,

                                                 work at the encouraging of the disciples of The Lord.

The watchtowers of the saints are within the edifice of God,

                                                 are within the visions of the saints,

                                                 are within the reach of those who seek.

The watchtowers of the saints know of a staircase to the heavens,

                                                       a staircase to a home-coming,

                                                   a staircase which can be mounted one step at a time,

                                                   a staircase behind the door which is waiting for a knock.”


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