My Scrolls

The Crown Jewel of Creation (3.6.09)


           In the twinkling of an eye the life of man can change.


           In the setting of the sun an age can end.


           In the rising of the sun a new dawn can break forth.


           The machines of man do fail him.


           The fallibility of the consciousness of man bears witness.


           The stumbling of man feeds upon pride that rules supreme.

The wonders of creation are there for all to know.

The wonders of creation exist at the pleasure of God.

The wonders of creation do not all have an eternal existence.

The wonders of creation can fade with fulfilment of their purpose.

The wonders of creation are viewed within the time frame of man,

                                        are tinkered with by man,

                                        are oft abused by man.

The wonders of creation are seen as curios by man.

The wonders of creation are not seen by chance.

The wonders of creation were not placed by chance.

The wonders of creation are not a happenstance of composite mistakes.

The wonders of creation do not result from a random walk.

The wonders of creation bear witness within the soul of man.

The wonders of creation form the home of man.

The wonders of creation ensconce the spirit of man.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image beyond compare.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image that should not be besmirched.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image arising from eternity.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image of recognition.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image assigned to the presence of the image-maker.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image constructed from the clay by a potter of great renown

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image that will not be destroyed,

                                                                             will travel beyond the grave,

                                                                             will survive the fire and the sword.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image bound for an ever-lasting journey.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image that will absorb the darkness or reflect the light.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an image of completeness that is self-aware.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has the gift of freewill –

                                                       the counterweight of choice –

                                                       the instigator of accountability –

                                                       the credence of a soul without compulsion –

                                                       a character that seeks perfection or grovels in the dust.

The Crown Jewel of Creation is cherished by The Lord,

                                                 is encouraged by His Spirit,

                                                 is the recipient of blessings from a loving oversight.

The Crown Jewel of Creation is the crown jewel of His Kingdom,

                                                 is guarded day and night by attendants who never sleep,

                                                 has a promised future:

                                                               for all who walk the high way;

                                                               for all who embrace a downhill slide.

The Crown Jewel of Creation has an inherent intended destiny –

                          as the crowned jewel of creation that resides within a residence specially prepared.”


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