My Scrolls

The Coming of The King (13.7.10)

“The coming of The King is a matter long-filled with the blandishments of the past.

The coming of The King creases the face of the sceptic with an all-knowing smile.

The coming of The King produces a yawn of boredom from the un-informed,

                                                                            from the ill-informed,

                                                                                        from the non-informed.

The coming of The King lays the word upon the table,

                                                                     for all to gather round,

                                                                     for inspection by one and all.

The coming of The King is raised up with the net,

                                                                     speaks to the shoals of souls,

                                                                     accepts all who will commit.

The coming of The King calls for consideration of the possibility,

                                         calls for preparation in the lives of those who dwell in expectation,

                                         calls for a change in heart of those with a goalless destiny,

                                                                             with a shattered faith,

                                                                             with a mindset adopting evolution as the origin of man.

The coming of The King is not read as if from tea leaves in a cup,

                                                          as if a card fall from a pack,

                                                          as if a coin tossed upon a lap.

The coming of The King is not viewed as a random happening;

                                         is not at the devil’s whim;

                                         is not a matter of conjecture:

                                                                     in the hearts of wisdom.

The coming of The King was always set to be in accordance with the word,

                                                                          in accordance with the prophets’ calls,

                                                                          in accordance with the closure of an age.

The coming of The King awaited the encircling of the word,

                                                      the affirming of the ministries,

                                                      the communications of the light.

The coming of The King will shower the earth.

The coming of The King will rain upon the earth.
The coming of The King will reseed the earth.

The coming of The King will sprout the seed of peace.

The coming of The King will section all the earth,

                                         will section as the need instills,

                                                             as the need is known,

                                                             as the need is heard.

The coming of The King will instate the provisioning of God,

                                                           the edifice of God,

                                                           the rule of God.

The coming of The King will select the hearts of open faith,

                                                          the souls which sought and found,

                                                          the spirits which walked in the companionship of God.

The coming of The King will select hearts which honour the sacrifice of a heart upon a cross.”


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