My Scrolls

8. What is God's Overall Grand Design for Man?

The Gospel of The Lord (16.7.09)

is the good news of the coming Kingdom, the Kingdom that is close to hand, the Kingdom that prevails, is a restoration with a cross, brings dispensation from the law and decrees the age of fellowship; is not imposed ...

The Cup of The Fruit of The Vine (18.7.09)

has a special place in the life of each disciple, in the life of My church, in lives that hold a promise dear; was set apart for remembrance: at a supper, within an appointed time. is available through all seasons of the earth...

The Victors of The Soul (3.8.09)

are spread throughout the earth, are unified in creed, are a multitude of races, have diversity in tongues, seek each other’s company, hold hands in adversity, seek to strengthen ones that waiver, long for justice in their ...

The Sequence of Salvation (16.4.10)

is of the gifting of life when taken to completion; is as a series of stepping stones within a life awaiting assimilation – where the progress stalls when the foot no longer falls; requires each stone to carry the ...

The Immersion of The Faithful (20.4.10)

is not readily understood, is often treated as of little consequence, of little urgency, of little importance - within a walk of fellowship; always achieves its purpose, always is remembered, always clears the decks of...

The Season of The Heralds (12.5.10)

I, The Lord, seek the generation of the youth of man, would impart a calling into the youth of man, would sustain the vision of the youth of man. For the youth of man are called to be the heralds of today, are call...

The Belief of Man in His Loving God (4.8.10)

should not be a matter of conjecture in his mind, should not be a matter of controversy between assemblies of The Lord, should not be proclaimed from within a mindset of self-righteousness; defines his faith, his ...

The Lamb's Book of Life (22.9.10)

exists for all eternity, existed in the time of law, exists in the time of grace; is the master index for each name, records when a name is written, records when a name comes up for help, records when the new ...

This Day (25.9.10)

This day, I, The Lord Jesus, The Light of The World, The Sender of The Holy Spirit, The Doer of The Father’s Will, bring a message of import to the domiciles of man - to all who live therein, to all who hunger for kno...

The Activities of God (27.9.10)

Variable are the ways of God in application of His will to man in his mortality. Consistent are the edicts of God in what, in when, in why, in how, the attributes of God are displayed to man in his mortality. Constan...

The Encounter at The Cross (14.11.10)

I, The Lord, would speak to all those who read My word this day, all who intend someday to know me, all who have heard My name issue as profanity from the lips of man, all who have heard of Me in discussions ...

The Fulfilment of The Cross (21.11.10)

“I, The Lord, would speak to man this day, that he may be certain of his stance, that he may have confidence in his belief, that he may know within his heart all that which he has found. I, The Lord, would say to man ...


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