My Scrolls

Further Scroll Categories Emphasizing Christianity

The Transfer of Time (23.4.11)

is possible and practical, is temporal and sacred, is instant or transposed, is within the physics of the universe, is not in the libraries of man; requires the co-ordinates of departure, the co-ordinates of arrival; requires kn...

The Chemistry of Man (28.4.11)

has its origins in the chemistry of God, has discoveries prompted by God, has discoveries thought to have been from mistakes, has discoveries thought to have been accidental, has discoveries thought to have been ...

The Thrones of God (17.5.11)

Before the thrones of man are the protocols of subservience; does man go for his honouring, does man go for his recognition, does man go for his reward; is man summoned to appear, is man dispensed the justice of the ...

The Settling of The Son (14.9.11)

speaks of imminent activity; speaks of at home upon a throne; speaks of rewards at hand, speaks of preparation as if for an olympic games, where the ribbons with the medals have significance of achieve...

The Garden of God (20.6.12)

The splendour of the garden is a vista laid out for the beloved to see, is divided into three, has the scope of God, has the design of God, has the will of God, in the indexed content, in the beauty, in the ease of access ...

The Welcome of The Centuries (28.7.12)

awaits man in faith upon the sounding of the trumpet; speaks of much preparation, speaks of every thing in place, speaks of sin relegated to the outfield far from any influence on the field of glory; sees the fruit of ...

A Love Note to My Children (11.8.12)

is as a song birthed and freed within the stars of God, is a song committed between hearts, is a song which only those with love can sing, is a song of goodness sent to smiling hearts in tune, is a song within a song...

To The Victor Goes The Prize (21.10.12)

to he who perseveres until the new beginning; to he who validates his commitment with the goal in mind; to he who receives his garland from the race; to he who exchanges it for a golden crown, can reflect with ...

The Template for The Future (29.3.13)

knows more than man thinks, is fully conversant with…, is satisfied of the sufficiency for the day, is primed to handle all which is encountered, is confident that justice will prevail, that replevins will be addressed, …

The Wonderment of Eternity (8.10.13)

is a joy unto itself, is a feast for the eyes, is a symphony for the ears, is a dwelling place fit for the stars of God, displays the works of God in their entirety: in their presentation of uniqueness, in their designs of ...

The Garden of Peace and Tranquility (18.12.13)

is not to be found upon the earth before the end of time; cannot exist in the presence of unrighteousness, cannot exist while subject to invasion by those for whom holiness is unknown, cannot exist while blasph...

The Protocols of Heaven (28.12.13)

are the rules of engagement, are the instruments of impressions, are the means of expectations; are the governors of relationships, are the principles to be followed, are the mindsets of introductions, are the ...


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