My Scrolls

Further Scroll Categories Emphasizing Christianity

The Days of Christmas (14.12.11)

are the days of expectation for the young, are the days of fulfilment for the families, are the days of gratification for the elderly, signify man’s rejoicing at a birth, man’s gathering in worship, man’s experience o...

The Banner Named, Introduced (9.8.08)

By these this banner will be known by man: The Banner of The Kingdom For by it each will know my servants; The Banner of Grace For by it the world will witness my love; The Banner of Justice For by it all will receive...

The Banner Affirmed as His Will (15.8.08)

It is My will that this Banner flies over My Domain, My Kingdom, My Estate from this day forth. This Banner, this Flag, this Standard, denotes gathering points of my people who know me by name and through My Spirit.

The Banner Comes Forth (16.8.08)

I AM. I, The Lord, now bring forth My Banner, of the Kingdom, of Grace, of Justice,  to inspire as the Holy Spirit guides My people in the coming times of trial.

The Banner of Design (16.8.08)

The Red Cross points man to My sacrifice of love within an agony of sin... The White Cross decrees the purity of the Father standing behind His Son... It is the Star of the New Covenant. It is the Star of Bethlehem...

The Banner Defined (29.8.08)

It is The Banner of The Kingdom when lifted high and fully extended with a pole at either end placed in sleeves of white material each carefully sewn with white thread. It is The Standard of The Kingdom when...

The Banner Speaks of Unity (1.9.08)

“The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the unity of man in fulfilled and perfect completion as the single and complete bride of Christ – all His saints now united and one with Him in the Bright...

The Banner of The Protocols (3.9.08)

It is my desire that the Banner of the Kingdom should not fly at night during the hours of darkness. Nor should it fly on a seventh day, for the seventh Day is the consecrated day of rest...

The Banner Divine Scriptural Revelations (18.9.08)

Then, The Lord requested a diligent search of the scriptures for all references to “banners”, “signs” and “standards”, both in the plural and the singular, and to preserve the reference and to type out the text.

The Banner Divine Commentary - The Emblem of The Spirit (9.10.08)

Isaiah 11:12 For it is written ‘He will set up a banner for the nations …’ That they may know the presence of The Lord within their midst,  the presence of The Lord that soon comes forth from The Father, ...

The New Signs in Use (17.10.08)

The Banner of the Kingdom is to be used by those who know My Spirit, promoted by those who know My Spirit, appreciated by those who know My Spirit: for then will the use of My Banner spread throughout the...

The New Signs of The Kingdom (20.10.08)

The Banner of the Kingdom will withstand the attacks of man, is defended by the Hosts of Heaven, stands from this time. The Standard of The Kingdom stretches across the heavens, ..., reveals the love of God to ...


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