My Scrolls

Bk1. 'God Speaks of Return and Bannered' (176 Scrolls, 418 pages)

The Banner as A Signpost (14.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the Triumvirate of God, of Spirit, of Light, rolls forth upon the earth under the guidance of the Triumvirate of God, has confirmation as the Will of God, has the eye of God...

The Banner of The Battle (16.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom speaks of the battle for humanity, the battle for each soul, the battle that recoups what has been lost. Tendrils of Evolution capture the mind, entangle the mind, constrict the paths of thought,

The Keys of The Kingdom (19.1.09)

The kingdom of God is as the kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of God images the kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Heaven have keys that cross fit. The kingdom of God has keys that are ...

The Banner Setting Forth (19.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom is for acceptance by the saints, is for understanding by the saints, is for the blessing of the saints. The Emblem of The Spirit is there to proclaim belonging, speaks of covenants upheld...

The Banner on The Way (20.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey in the making, has a journey worth following, has a journey of accompaniment, of participation, of declaration, of restoration, of the record, of assistance, of service.

The Rising of The Son (20.1.09)

The Son rises to meet the new dawn, rises in the will of the Father, rises with the Spirit, rises in His glory, rises entrained, rises enrobed, rises acclaimed, rises to the sound of heaven, rises to the sound of earth, rises to a ...

The Banner of Assails (21.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom assails corruption on the earth, the hands of greed, the feet that trample, the narrowing of eyes, the deafened ear, the closed mind, the truth-denying soul, the force of intimidation,...

The Banner in its Presence (22.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom of God is not a matter with which to trifle, is to be taken seriously, exists before the eyes of man, is accompanied by the revealed word of God, by The Spirit of God, by signs...

The Banner at Home (23.1.09)

The Banner of the Kingdom is at home in the garden of the earth, is at home in the oases of wonder, is at home in the waterfalls of the veils, in the adornment of the flowers, in the delight of webs within the mists...

A Land of Plenty (26.1.09)

Far from the Kingdom of God lies a land of plenty, that sacrifices to unknown gods, that breeds a cult of worship of gods not known to the Risen King, that believes it has no need for the God of its scriptures...

The Favour of The Lord (27.1.09)

signifies a blessing, signifies a delightful occurrence that is unexpected, signifies the awareness of God to the lives that He attends; falls as a daily occurrence, falls on hearts of thanksgiving, falls as a daily response. ...

The Race of The Righteous (28.1.09)

The walk of the righteous is inspected by God, reflects a walk of faith, is determined by the level of faith, is often not a walk, can become the running of the righteous, can become the race of the righteous. The race...


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