My Scrolls

Bk1. 'God Speaks of Return and Bannered' (176 Scrolls, 418 pages)

The Beauty of The Earth (2.2.09)

does not compare with the beauty of heaven, is there for all to behold, for all to tread its paths, for all to wonder at its being, oscillates with seasons, oscillates with light and dark, oscillates with rise and fall, ...

The Troops of The Lord (3.2.09)

gather in preparation for the storm, gather in preparation for the battle, gather in the vanguard of the storm; lead in the storm of the citadels of darkness. The citadels of darkness will not stand intact against the storm ...

The Candles of The Lord (4.2.09)

The fireworks of the earth fascinate the eyes of man, capture the imagination of man, keep man at abeyance, of a grand design, speak of a great furnace, speak of a great outpouring, intimidate with molten majesty, ...

The Sanctity of Life (5.2.09)

carries a crown of preservation, is an edict from The Lord, has overtures of eternity, has the highest of priorities, speaks of a commitment of love, a commitment of unselfishness, a commitment of humility...

The Plank of A Nation (6.2.09)

A nation should rejoice in celebration of its birth, should know of the purpose for its creation, should be grateful for a history with a Lion. A nation’s plank of creation should be an object of thanksgiving, ...

The Galleons of Service (7.2.09)

move wares to and fro, move over the face of the earth, move at the will of man, fade into the night, broach a new dawn; have a myriad of pathways, have a myriad of commanders, have a myriad of owners; satisfy the...

The Vapours of The Earth (10.2.09)

are of concern to man, are of concern to God; form the breath of man, form the breath of animals, form the breath of all that have the gift of life, rest upon the Earth, are stable within bounds, do not vie to escape, to...

The Coming of The Son (11.2.09)

lights a certain day, begs patience from a few, belief upon the word, beseeches preparation by the sheep, the goats, those in denial; is a day as no other in the memory of man, brings changes of governments, starts the ...

The Commitments of Man (12.2.09)

The fall of Rome was based on a fall of confidence, occurred because of a lack of belief, was because of a commitment that was missing. A commitment that is missing is of short duration. A commitment without ...

The Birthday of A Saint (13.2.09)

is to be remembered, was not achieved without an effort, exists because of time, is a milestone in a career, signifies a commitment to the future, spreads relationships within a family, focuses the eyes of the parents. ...

The Garden of The Lord (14.2.09)

is tended by expert hands; exhibits all of creation; has reflections of vast proportions, has shadows of many colours, has aromas that question the senses of the mind; has the vistas of the Spirit, has meanderings of ...

The Coming of The Spirit (17.2.09)

is not on the timelines of man, varies with the season, is auspicious to man, is an encouragement to the saints, is evident to the lost, confirms the actions of the saints, brings a balcony of fire, attends those most in need, ...


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