My Scrolls

7. How Do We Prepare for an Ongoing Life with God?

The Raining of Jerusalem (10.11.10)

Jerusalem is the city of the saints, of Gates, of memories. Jerusalem is the city where I have ridden, where I have walked, where I was taught, where I have taught. Jerusalem is the city where I was tried, where I was ...

The Fruits of Man's Efforts (22.11.10)

The fruits of man’s efforts leave an imprint on the earth, can track his comings and his goings, all he has been to see, all he has gone to do, all he has come to witness, all he has sought and captured for his memory in tim...

The Scripts of Man (26.11.10)

The authority of man is as nought without the companionship of God, without a relationship with God, without the counselling of God; has no standing before God when he looks to the flesh for confirmation of ...

The Consternation of Man (30.11.10)

Consternation is not of God, is not from God. The consternation of man stems from a misplaced trust, stems from the absence of perception, stems from the cloaking of the truth; causes him to meddle, causes him to ...

The Fire of The Harvest (9.2.11)

The Fire of The Harvest, the days of conflagration fall upon the earth, the storm of fire, the torch of The Holy Spirit, The Tongue of Fire, The fire-stream of The Spirit, The drafting fire of God...

The Secrecy of Governments (10.2.11)

The secrecy of the governments of man always is the encourager of corruption, of bribery, of payment for a service when none should be required. The secrecy of the governments of man invites payments for...

The Love of Money (11.2.11)

Money is the creation of man, is his token of exchange, is his deeming of set values, is of worth only while trust is unimpeded, is for the holding only when trust is likely to continue, Money has a value when with ...

The Days of Change (17.2.11)

approach the horizon threshold of man, farewell the days of grace, are here but for an instant in the life of man, come and go with the ending of the age of grace, the introduction of the transition of man, include the ...

The Giants of The Earth (26.2.11)

The sleeping of a giant does not mean he will not wake, does not mean he sleeps forever, does not mean his day of arousal is far off. The arousal of a giant is precarious to man, is not as a dumb-bell for the pitting of ...

The Shortfall of Man (5.3.11)

is a recipe for disaster in the later life of man, is not designated by God, is not invited by God, is not a defect in man’s being; occurs from the extravagancy of man, from the platter filled specifically for the feasting of his ...

The Earthquakes of Man (7.3.11)

… adjust his equilibrium, adjust his sense of security, adjust his need for help, signify a reconsideration, signify a recall of the past, signify a new revision, shake the environment of man, the land on which he lives…

The Mantle of A King (9.3.11)

The spirit of a king serves a king’s decisions, serves the wisdom on his platter, serves his life upon a throne; The wisdom of a king extends his stature before his people, extends his reach across a kingdom, extends his ...


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