My Scrolls

7. How Do We Prepare for an Ongoing Life with God?

My Prophets of This Age (13.5.11)

are subject to great scrutiny, are subject to the pressure of delivery against the timetable of man, are subject to the imbalances of the media of man, are subject to the conglomeration of the control of man, are subject ...

The Weather of God (29.8.11)

The weather of man is not that forecast by God, is not that as assembled by God, is not that as prepared by God in the present for man to experience in his future. The weather of man is concentrated on the here ...

The Wayfarer of God (2.9.11)

has a special relationship with God, has a special empathy with God, has a special time with God, does not stumble over the stepping stones of God, reads the signposts on the way, grows actively in righteousness…

The Fall of Empires (4.9.11)

is rarely the work of God, is rarely the will of God, is rarely at the behest of God; often lies within the machinations of man, of all which has gone before, of wayward behaviour typed as normal, of dealings in ...

The Boredom of Man (4.9.11)

is the residue of dissatisfaction, is the residue of disappointment, is the residue of repetition, is a veil of compromise which obscures the target, is a veil of smoke laid before the eyes, is a veil behind which all is...

Facilities Unknown (8.9.11)

The bed of man is a rarity on the earth, is mostly a construct of unfamiliarity, is in use only by the few, speaks of allocation of a room, of comfort piled on comfort, of facilities unknown so therefore absent fr...

The Arrows of The Bowman (10.9.11)

The bow of The Lord has arrows which can speak, has arrows which can testify, has arrows fitted with the warhead of the tongue. The bow of The Lord has arrows not loosed to maim, has arrows not loosed to kill, ...

The Fishing in The Seas (11.9.11)

is a cause of acrimony between the nations, those with rights declared by man, those with imagined rights when a signature is not appended; sees a conflict in rationing by nations, sees an area preserved by one ...

The Lifeline to God (12.9.11)

Numerous: are the servants of The Lord, are the requests of The Lord, are the replies of The Lord, are the relationships of The Lord, are the invitations of The Lord, are the acceptances of The Lord, are the interact...

The Aggravation of The Soul (13.9.11)

is an area of concern to God; should be an area of concern to man, a note of warning to the spirit, is a subject of reports outside the mind of man, speaks of sensitivities not dealt with, of depths which are yet ....

The Coming Storm (29.9.11)

encompasses the storm of scripture, the storm of prophecy, the storm of tribulation, the storm of fire, the storm of earth, the storm of Satan, the storm of man, is about to be upon the earth, is about to tear the fab...

The Storm of The Earth (1.10.11)

has not seen its like before, has not seen the destruction wrought, has not seen the suffering incurred, has not seen the difficulty of repair, has not seen the magnitude of claims, has not seen the laying waste on such ...


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