My Scrolls

7. How Do We Prepare for an Ongoing Life with God?

The Squanderings of Man (14.3.11)

are usually seen in retrospect, are usually obvious after the time of loss, are usually evident in an empty wallet; speak of ill-considered actions, of the foolishness of decisions, of the recklessness of trust; are not th...

The Winds of Change (18.4.11)

blow from a variety of directions, are ordered by God, are ordered by man; of God bring benefits to man, are not selective, are available to all, are within the freewill choice of man, are not imposed on the soul of man; ...

The Walk of Man (21.4.11)

The lonely walk of man is not a happy sight, is fraught with the waywardness of life, is subject to the pitfalls set along the way, is set on foreign paths where the signposts make no sense, often follows the quest for ...

The Funnels of The Mind (23.4.11)

contribute information to the soul, sift the data prior to allocation, store the data so a mindset is complete; have input from the senses, have a scratch pad for the temporary, have archival capabilities; segregate and ...

The Warring of My People (25.4.11)

is not of Me, awakes the whole of the heavens, is an option within the plans of God, lies within their freewill choice, is the delight of Satan, assigns souls without a choice to the destiny of default; is the reaping of the ...

The Experience of Man (30.4.11)

in all of his efforts, in all of his productions, in all of his creations speaks of his mind at work, speaks of the application of intelligence, speaks of intelligent design with deliberate intent. Yet within his environment op...

The Troubling by Man (6.5.11)

The displacement of My people occurs through the brandishing of weapons, beating of the drums, looks of hatred in the eyes of force, sees the seeking of a refuge, the need to flee before the weapons are brought…

The Barbarity of Man (7.5.11)

signifies a partnership with Satan, signifies a captured soul, signifies a shrivelled spirit, signifies ignorance of God, signifies desertion of his God, signifies conceptions of ill-intent; reduces man to but a willing pawn of ...

The Death of Mortal Man (9.5.11)

signifies an assignment in eternity, signifies an assignment to eternity, signifies an assignment for eternity; signifies the absence of a heartbeat, signifies the departing of the mortal signs of life, signifies the safekeep...

The Judgement of Man (10.5.11)

Before the great white throne of God man, with a clouded soul, is filled with the fear of God; man is at attention, does not stand at ease, is there – but for the purpose known to both; the angels act as attendants ...

The Entrance into Hell (10.5.11)

is not a position in which to be, is not a desirable experience of existence, is not an attractive proposition, was never meant to accept the feet of the anguished, have the angels of the guard manhandle the recalcitrant, ...

The Vagaries of Man (12.5.11)

come and go as on a whim, speak of the unexpected, speak of the inexplicable; circumvent the concept of a plan, circumvent the order of the mind, circumvent the graphing of intent; demonstrate the variety within ...


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