My Scrolls

Bk2. 'God Speaks to Man on The Internet' (165 Scrolls, Div. Com. - Daniel (12 Ch.) & Revelation (22 Ch.), 498 pages)

The Lamb's Book of Life (22.9.10)

exists for all eternity, existed in the time of law, exists in the time of grace; is the master index for each name, records when a name is written, records when a name comes up for help, records when the new ...

This Day (25.9.10)

This day, I, The Lord Jesus, The Light of The World, The Sender of The Holy Spirit, The Doer of The Father’s Will, bring a message of import to the domiciles of man - to all who live therein, to all who hunger for kno...

The Activities of God (27.9.10)

Variable are the ways of God in application of His will to man in his mortality. Consistent are the edicts of God in what, in when, in why, in how, the attributes of God are displayed to man in his mortality. Constan...

The Website of The Lord (Results) (27.9.10)

As the website of The Lord approaches readiness, in presentation to a hungry world, so the angels are prepared, so the angels are provisioned, so the angels are positioned, so the angels are instructed. ...

The Canker of Man (24.10.10)

The flamboyance of a life style, the willingness to experiment, the quest for endangerment, the delving into caves, the meddling with cultures, the entrancement with the occult - all speak of a seeking soul who has...

The Frequency of Response of Man (25.10.10)

to his loving God is not to the credit of man, leaves a lot to be desired by his God of reconciliation, is lowered by the distractions of man, is dependant on the time tabled by man for a relationship of importance. ...

The Raining of Jerusalem (10.11.10)

Jerusalem is the city of the saints, of Gates, of memories. Jerusalem is the city where I have ridden, where I have walked, where I was taught, where I have taught. Jerusalem is the city where I was tried, where I was ...

The Encounter at The Cross (14.11.10)

I, The Lord, would speak to all those who read My word this day, all who intend someday to know me, all who have heard My name issue as profanity from the lips of man, all who have heard of Me in discussions ...

The Tears of Man (17.11.10)

are highly valued by The Lord, are of significance to the heart, are his alone to own, are his alone to shed, are his alone to wipe from a cheek where they are caught, are mingled with despair, are mingled with a foregon...

The Fairies of The Earth (19.11.10)

come and go at will, dwell within the heavens, cascade in their flights, rarely travel when alone; are harmless to man, are mischievous in nature where mostly they are found; do not seek individuality, do not seek adulat...

The Fulfilment of The Cross (21.11.10)

“I, The Lord, would speak to man this day, that he may be certain of his stance, that he may have confidence in his belief, that he may know within his heart all that which he has found. I, The Lord, would say to man ...

The Fruits of Man's Efforts (22.11.10)

The fruits of man’s efforts leave an imprint on the earth, can track his comings and his goings, all he has been to see, all he has gone to do, all he has come to witness, all he has sought and captured for his memory in tim...


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