My Scrolls

Bk8. 'God Speaks of Loving His Creation' (74 Scrolls, 280 pages)

The Example of the Philistines (29.5.16)

is not to be followed by My people, for the Philistines’ place in history is both invasive and obstructive, for they knew the wording of the law but not the wisdom required within the application; is as a culture set ...

The Superintendency of God (29.5.16)

is actioned through My Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God; is the overseer of God, is the manager of activity, is the observer who reports, is the bearer of the Gifts, is the healer of the nations, is the activist at large, is ...

The Election of A Man (31.5.16)

can have a profound effect; can change the course of nations, can change the course of lives, can change the course of man onto the path of righteousness; sways the forests of knowledge and of wisdom: the ...

The Secrecy of God (1.6.16)

is for the benefit of man; prevents man from saying what he thinks God wants to hear, to attempt to curry favour from where it is not justified, to attempt to mask the feelings which lie just below the surface. ...

In the Sights of God (11.6.16)

is a dangerous place to be, is a blessed place to be; is a testing place in which to wander, is a scary place to be when surrounded by problems of the day, is a fear-filled place to linger when a relationship is not estab...

The Figurines of Man (11.6.16)

are not ideal depending on intent, are not ideal depending on their function, are not ideal if there as a devotional object; can be ascribed to gods, can be ascribed to demons, can be ascribed to angels, can be ...

The Hearing of My Call (11.6.16)

is for all so desiring in their hearts; is for all who so desire to know where they belong within the will of God, to know the outline of the walk with God, to know the companionship of God, to know a firm relationship ...

In the Service of God (15.6.16)

lies the fulfilment of man; do the spirit and the soul unite in perfect harmony: within the glove of man; are miracles recorded, are lives changed for the better, are the outposts of God changed to the centrality of ...

The Ageing of Man (18.6.16)

occurs within mortality, is like a butterfly grub waiting to be cocooned, waiting to become a chrysalis, waiting for the days of change, waiting for a rebirth where it can spread its wings, waiting for when it will ...

The Window of Opportunity (20.6.16)

is closing fast, is closing more every day, is closing on Faith, is closing on Grace, is closing closing closing, soon to be shut firmly and in place; will not be re-opened once closed, will not be made available once the ...

The Keepsakes of Life (29.6.16)

bring memories flooding back; are silent yet do speak, are silent yet do catch the Son light, are silent yet have recall of the soul; are cherished for the thoughts evoked, are cherished for the memories both of a ...

I, The Lord Jesus (4) (29.6.16)

say this day to My people destined for My garden, ‘Have faith in all which you have read within My word, in all which has been witnessed in the past, in all which speaks of an inheritance awaiting, in an existence of ...


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